• Garcia

    Thank you for these photos. It reminds me that In 1968 I had a stay in London for 2 months. I was living in the French Sister’s hostel in the Boltoms located between South Kensington and King’s road. I did appreciate my stay. Unfortunately I could not get any photo. I wish someone who knew this hostel could share some information about it.
    Thank you

  • Francis Tibbles

    The Kings Road just as I remember! I was 19 in July 68, but, although I only lived not far away in Ebury Bridge Road, it was during the football season when we went down the KR, on the way to watch Chelsea every home game!

  • Eddie O'Brien

    I was 18 in 1968 and was brought up in Chelsea, before school and on Saturdays I used to work at beatons the bakers and Safeway on the kings road. Met my wife there and we lived on Ebury bridge estate for a while

    • Sara Schwartz

      I was 8 in 1968 and we lived on the corner of Oakley Street and Kings road above the off licence. I remember lining up at Mrs Beatons for something delicious – cant remember what though?

      • izabellavlahavas@gmail.com

        I lived in Redesdale street, the Chelsea potters at the top of the road.. the Chelsea drugstore doing the corner. I worked at Antiquarius. And met so many famous people. Hot pants. Mini skirts. Hippie hats.

  • Garcia-Mayor

    I was there, (London) too. I don’t know the hostel, though. Great photos. Very nostalgic.

  • David Drt

    Believe it or not, I was left tied to railings in the Kings Road around this time. I was an annoying trainee working for the Post Office Telephones and the jointers had gone for lunch leaving me bound up with wire. None of the passing posh birds attempted to free me, sad to relate.

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