Famous car

July 1968 on the King's Road - A Bentley S1, registration 222 APL. It was decorated by some bloke who married the flat-mate of our current next door neighbour when she lived in Liverpool. That's not why I've posted this pic - he was slightly more famous for something else. Her name was Cynthia - she married John Lennon...See this website for a colour image - scroll down a bit....
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I think the word "blizzard" might be a little excessive for what doesn't really appear to be too much snow, although nowadays this much snowfall would cause the entire country to grind to a halt for a couple of days.What's really interesting is to see a policeman still out there directing traffic in Piccadilly Circus. Actually, the surprise is not that they're still out there in the snow, it's that they're out there in the first place......
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